It is Common but Not Normal

Sunday, March 10, 2013
We use the phrase "it is normal" without thinking when we really want to say that something is usual.
If something goes wrong, if we suffer, or if life is hard, then "it is normal" and we could really say that it is common but not normal.
So we accept it and take every burden on us, without thinking that there are other ways of doing things, because it is "normal".
And so it is, like everyone else.

But, are you going to be like everyone else?
  • I get up in the morning to go to work in a hurry and I have no time for a coffee and kiss my wife (or husband).
    It is common but not normal.
  • I'm stressed and I get upset easily, but I do nothing to change my habits to avoid stress.
    It is common, but not normal.
  • I eat fast food and pre-cooked meals as usual to not spend time on cooking. Then I feel tired and I go to the pharmacy to buy vitamins to maintain the tonus.
    It is common, but not normal.
  • I watch violent movies on television, aggressive ads and read all the news that speak of war and conflicts. Then I proclaim that what this world needs is peace.
    It is common, but not normal.
  • In my conversations I talk about all the economic problems that I have, of scarcity in the world and I'm always saying that I need money, but my real goals are to live in prosperity and increase my quality of life.
    It is common, but not normal.

Should I go on?

What to do to get out of this vicious circle?
  • Watch your conversations, conversations with yourself and with others, and talk free from history.
  • Take a step and get new habits, eve if they are small things like getting ten or fifteen minutes early to avoid hurrying up and start the day without stress.
  • Stop feeding your mind from television and other garbage media. Look for good news and you will find them.
  • Start taking better care of yourself.
This is normal and usual, I hope.


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