Create the Life you Want to Live

Monday, April 22, 2013
How can you create the life you want?

Leap forward

The biggest leap forward you can make is learning by integrating and then applying your knowledge.

Because you can read a thousand books and even write another thousand ones, but they are nothing if those concepts don't live inside yourself.

To apply these new ideas in order to live a richer life you need to free your potential just by telling yourself that you can do more, much more to achieve a higher level.
You must remove the blocks that hinder you from progressing in life and go beyond your limits.


The other important subject is money and I am not talking about being frugal or saving money, all that will help you only to a certain extent. I am talking about making more money and creating different sources of income. Start an independent business and work for yourself and think about your own projects.

Making money is so much more exciting than figuring out how to save it. It is so much more encouraging to make 100 or 1000 dollars extra by month than to reduce your expenses by 10%!

Money is not the goal in itself, but it is what serves to measure your economic success.

Self efficacy

It is impossible to live a rich life if it is not effective in the sense that you use your talents to produce value. Instead of letting the pressure of urgency and adrenaline for the last minute to push you. You are the actor and the conductor who sets the pace. Being effective is not a recommendation in our time, it is essential to navigate and succeed while having fun doing it.

If you've ever tried to set your goals, you know what I mean. It is complex to formulate correctly the objective and to make sure that it is really is a goal. And then it is complex to not procrastinate and consistently work on it.


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