SEO Experts will Make you Loose Money

Monday, July 1, 2013
If you're starting a new web site because you want to boost your business or build your personal brand or reputation, or for any other reason, stop doing SEO.

Wasting time on SEO forums, following the advice of those SEO 'gurus' and putting into practice the tricks of these experts, will make you make mistakes that are going to be very difficult to correct.

Two days ago I've got an email from someone who was desperate because after hiring some SEO services his site rankings and visits are going down, down. He wanted me to analyze his site and report him the problems. Those SEO services were doing some massive link building, artificial links and links schemes.
This is the case of many web masters who are loosing ranking and visits with the latest Google Penguin 2 update roll out.

SEO tricks are dangerous to the health of your web traffic

Especially all those tricks that go against the best practices published by Google and against common sense.

One of the strategies that has done more damage is the creation of satellite web sites, web pages that are created specifically to put links aiming directly or indirectly to other pages target.

Since link building is becoming more complicated, these schemes create artificially made links that have worked for a while, until I the latest Google algorithm update, the Penguin 2 that has brought down many pages.

The worst thing is that they had paid for SEO services and so lost money, and the worst of all, they lost traffic.

If you want a web site that works well and that will attract visitors, concentrate on building up  a good web site, and that was your intention, anyway? It's too risky to expose yourself to a penalty, simply because you are in a hurry to get results.

Natural SEO and authority

Now you cannot fool so easily the search engines as it was before, and before losing half of your business or visits, works positively on these things:
  1. A good SEO on page.
  2. Avoid duplicate content on your own web site.
  3. Create good content: if what you offer is good it will go long way, if it helps someone, somewhere it will reward you back.
These three elements help give your page authority, because you have something good to offer, and time and perseverance will bring your visits.
Natural SEO is the only way to stay when many others will be gone.


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