Save for your Financial Freedom

Tuesday, October 8, 2013
You have surely heard it said: save money for the lean times, save for the bad days, or save for the rainy
Even I myself have written enough about creating an emergency fund to deal with any problems or immediate
But in this way we are turning the act of saving in a projection of loss, I mean that it is like saying, Save
now to lose it all later.

While it is prudent to start a savings plan for prevention, this should not be the only goal.
The road to financial freedom has to be a way that makes you enjoy, that changes your scheme of scarcity by a

State of abundance, is a way of learning and training yourself and is very exciting to know that every dollar that you save or invest works for your freedom.

Save to create money

To win you need to take some risk, provided that it is a smart and calculated risk, obviously.
A part of your income or your savings could be for a risk's controlled project as shares in stock market (if

you know what you are doing and do not invest money that you can not loose).
Because I think that the more constructive thing you can do to generate revenue is to take action.

Just think, what can I do to create money today?
Just focus on the only thing that you have in hand: the present moment. Do not sink with concerns about the future when the only thing you can change is today, think on what actions you can take today.

Save for a project

The most important project is to save for your financial freedom, this is what will help you to manage all the other projects in your life, because when you have financial independence then you can decide for yourself about what is really important.

Don't forget that biggest investment it's yourself, you are the potential you're most interested to build
already by learning or implementing your projects. This positive attitude will make you believe in you,
because you are the source of your money.

If your action today is to save for financial freedom, study the financial product you have chosen,
performance, taxation, availability, cost, etc.. And if you find something better, please do not hesitate to
change it soon.
In short, it is all about saving to build, create, or for any project that motivates you and do not think of
saving as a cure for disaster.
It is important to rectify the intention and that is positive from the beginning, as it is the only way to
harvest good fruit later.


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