10 Things You Don't Learn at School

Sunday, August 19, 2012
Education is important but the school fails to teach us the essential things to navigate through this world.

What should we learn at school?

1. To understand money

What do teachers know about financial education? Do we learn about how to invest, save,  how to buy things and control our money?
When young people begin the adventure of life all they know is:
  1.     Finish your studies
  2.     Take the job that will pay the best salary
  3.     Buy your house

2. Teamwork

At school they tell you do not copy, do not share anything with others and get find things in life all by yourself. Do not trust the others: they might steal what you are doing.

But in the real world to know teamwork is of utmost importance.

3. Stop wanting to be always the smartest.

Things You Don't Learn at School
Many rich people or those who have chosen an independent lifestyle are not technically smart. They just need to know the mechanisms to handle people and the necessary funds to achieve their goals and that's it.

Knowing how to get surrounded by the right people is much more important than being the best ever in all disciplines. as Napoleon Hill says: knowing how to use the collective brain.

If you think you’ve got all the answers then you’ve lost as there always be somebody smarter than you are that will beat you.
The real smart thing is to learn how to collaborate how to motivate and work with others and you will get things done much faster.

4. To say I don’t know

To be always wanting to have all the answers is one of the biggest obstacles to teamwork. Do not be afraid of looking ignorant in front of others. Is is better to say: I do not know but I will investigate it, than to give an stupid answer.

You do not have to know everything that's what Google is for, nobody expects you to be an encyclopedia and you may not know all the answers but if you know how to find them it will be enough.

5. Trust in yourself

Respect for authority is the first paradigm that school teach us to venerate superiors and to blindly obey.
It is very clear that respect for others is the universal paradigm, but is not necessary give more power to those who already have power over us.
You may follow the flow and obey to feel safe, but are these really your convictions?

6. Act on your convictions

The need to act always in accordance with the approval of others destroy our convictions and our potential.

It always amazes me to see people following the accepted procedure without ever questioning. If you have an idea that you think is good, defend it.
It is better to try and be wrong than to belong to the mass that has never even tried to.
If you try and make a mistake, at least you'll have the experience and you will learn.

7. Learn all the time

Now you have your college degree, that’s good! We’ll see you in 40 years when you reach the retirement age!
But to learn all the time is very important because you have to work for yourself more than you work for others.

8. Accepting failure

Failures and errors are a sign that you are near your goal. He who thinks that knows everything without experience is missing the great teachings that come from mistakes.
To live is to make mistakes and learn from failure.

    "Success is a lousy teacher because it makes you think you cannot lose". Bill Gates

9. Stop wanting to get the best grades

Today we have no right to error: if you mess up and fail you'll have bad grades and repeat course next year.
What will your mother think of you if you fail?

It is better to work towards your goals instead of getting a good grade for a subject that you will forget later.

10. Take control and say enough!

What is the phrase that you hear the most in school?
Shut up, hush!
The teacher is so boring that puts the whole class to sleep.

But what are you accepting with this? Boredom! But will you wait for the bell to ring to speak?
Life is too short.


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