With financial freedom you are the owner of your own time and decisions, creating new sources of income besides your usual work that make more and more money until you will not need your current job no more!
But don’t tell your boss about it.
Two years ago I decided to start working for myself in my free time and look for financial freedom.
I've given my talent and efforts working for others for a salary creating web sites, programming features and even helping others for free.
It was the time to start a professional project for myself experiencing the way I can receive money in return for my creations.
I'm still working for others (aug-2012) but my personal projects are on the way and running well!
I get an extra income each month, for now is about 50 euros but this amount is like gold tome it is li a seed:
"If I can make 50 euros each month, then I can make 500".
Inner freedom
Financial freedom means inner freedom too, kind of you've got to be free inside and be willing to attract new things and experience a new way of life to attain it.If you are happy just being a number and being like everybody else then this way is not for you, stay in the Rat Race as R. Kiyosaky said.
To me life is so beautiful that looking for financial freedom it is worth trying and I want to have an extra income of money for myself to enjoy more time with my loved ones and to dedicate more time to do what I really like: writing.
Financial security
Financial freedom starts with financial security that means earn your living and live debts free. To overcome material "addiction" you may have to learn new habits and a new way of thinking, as you see life otherwise.Every time you ask for a credit you are giving away some time of your future life.
So if you are looking for financial freedom the first step is financial security.
What do you think?
Hi Maria, Reached here thru' your comment in -Safal Niveshak- blog,...
Nicely written posts, Please add an option for E-mail subscription.
wonder y there is no comments in many of your posts!
Keep the good work, keep on sharing ur thoughts !
Hi Rajesh, and thanks for visiting my site, I'm going to add an E-mail subscription it's a good idea to transmit special content. :)
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