Live Your Life not Someone Else's: Accept the Challenge

Saturday, January 11, 2014
Steve Jobs said,
"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." 
There is so much wisdom in just only that single one quote.

Sometimes I meet people (or even myself) who seem to want to live someone else's life, who get discouraged because of other people, their environment or just by watching the news on television.
They become their own victims, even when others have not done anything wrong to them.
But who can live life in your place? You may want others to do things the way you would do them and you expect someone to do things the way you'd want it. Be the government, your boss or the actors on a film that should have play their roles in a certain way: your way.

This is a very unrealistic idea and creates contradictory feelings because it is not possible for others to live your life for you and there is no way out anyway: only you can live your own life.
If you have jealousy, or criticism towards those who succeed, is a clear sign that you are living someone else's life.
Think that is contradictory to criticize in others what you wish for yourself.
It's like wanting to be rich and criticizing millionaires at the same time.
If you know how to do things better than others but think you can not do them or that others will not let you do them, then change scenario: it is the only way to be true with yourself and so live your own life and not someone else's. Just use your energy for your convenience, for what is interesting for you.
Just try to do your best to improve your situation instead of bearing with it.

The first challenge to attain your objectives and to do it in spite of adversity and problems that you may have to overcome. It is to advance despite the uncertainty, or the danger and to trust your own mind and spirit.
When you do so, then you have the feeling of being in your place and being fair.

The last battle on earth

For Don Juan, in Carlos Castaneda book, every act of the warrior should be like his last battle on earth. The warrior is in the battlefield and trembles all over, but his spirit is confident.
Of course today you do not have to fight with anyone or win any war, you don't even have to suffer.
You simply have to accept the challenge that tells you to live your own life and not that of others.

Whether it is to advance in your career, build your own business or be financially independent.
Do you want to work only part time and have more than enough income? Or are you thinking of passive income to make your living?
Well there is no magic solution, but rather to follow the necessary steps and provoke the favorable conditions and launching the assets that will work for you.
But do you really believe in it?
Prove it by living your own life and not someone else's. This is an obstacle that we are all face sooner or larer, until we live our lives with passion and stop being victims of external circumstances.
This is when you take your life in your hands and you move to the next stage: go from wanting  something to take action to get it.


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