But it is all about a story of bubbles: the tech bubble, the real state bubble, the speculative credit bubble and finally the bubble of sovereign debt that plagues many countries.
I would say that the worst of them is the speculative credit bubble and the excessive debt because it affects everyone: governments, businesses and homes.
Gold and currency
Fixing the price of things is the main job of the biggest economic actors and powers. When Bernanke (current president of the United States Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan's successor) aims to fight deflation he tries to set prices at a higher level than they would naturally be.Inflating prices was imposing its own system of equivalence of things, goods and services to the dollar.
This was the end of the equivalence of the currency with gold.
Economists are the new high priests
And the assistants of politicians and banks. Their analyses have a great impact on the social and economic growth of a country.A well known example of this is the classification of S & P (Standard & Poors). We know that the highest classification of this financial agency is AAA.
As S & P degrades the classification of a country, this has a huge impact on prices and market confidence.
Economy is there to serve the dominant interests, and they are unable to create a coherent historical thread of past events in order to anticipate and build a prosperous future for all.
And the masses are still numb with advertising and materialism and the need for security as primary goals, submerged in the lagoon of conformism.
And when we see the waste of millions and millions of dollars in bailout some countries, like Greece and Spain, they do want to make us believe that it's for the good of all. But all that money coming out from one pocket today will have to replaced later at some point, right?
In the mean time no one really understands what is happening.
The United States seeks and cares for its gold with the utmost care, they are always talking about their gold reserves, always preserving it and protecting it.
They know that paper money is nothing if it is not backed by gold, the 9000 tons of gold they have.
While some dumb European countries have been selling gold at $ 260 an ounce.
Build your own economic universe
And in all this, what I can do? you will tell me.Just accept and create your own economic universe as part of yourself and take care of it. Your money comes from your efforts, your creativity, your courage to go out and make it. But in the everyday life we do not want to care about it.
And so we get more credits, more debts. After all this is how everyone lives.
But do you really need it? Learn to use money as a tool, learn to receive it, give it and multiply it.
Learn how to change it only for what is of real value to you.
And keep your own gold reserve to care the most important reserve: that which is the best in at the bottom of your heart.
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