Christmas is beautiful for children, it's mean to be for children.
Christmas is like Saint Valentine: it should be every day.
But marketing brains have chosen one single day of celebration so you could spend all your money on fancy presents.
If you need to offer presents and gifts, let them be meaningful gifts of love.
Does Merry Christmas mean merry gifts?
For some, maybe.Christmas was meant to be a celebration for the Lord Jesus birthday and before that it was a pagan roman celebration called the "saturnalia feast" where they decorated rooms with bay leaves and green trees.
Nowadays it is a celebration where people burn their credit card and lend money to buy the fanciest and more expensive presents they can buy: it is a logo celebration.
Make Christmas time a time of love.
But his year make it special, try to get all your loved ones together to sing and get merry.Be thankful for all the good things you've got and enjoy the simple things which got more value.
Spend less and enjoy more.
Light up a fire in your heart.
Merry Christmas.
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