Working For 45 Years 5 Days a Week

Saturday, December 29, 2012
Are you going to work for 45 years, five days a week, or be the master of your activities from now on?

You know that my goal is to achieve financial freedom and go to the other side of the barrier, so as an exercise I've been imagining what it would be like living outside the routine of working five days a week, for 8 or 9 hours a day.

The weekends would no longer have the same meaning as before. Fridays would not be  "happier" days than the others and I could be working on some weekend, it may seem paradoxical, but I could be writing on Sunday without any problems.

I think the danger would be to fall into the trap of working constantly. The goal is not to get out of the rat race to fall into a  worse routine. This would be the challenge of the entrepreneur.

Responsibility and personal effectiveness

With so much power over our free time there also comes great responsibility: what about our personal effectiveness?

How many productive hours should I have to work? Or, how much money show I have to make?
For the salaried employees these questions do not exist as they work the same, day bay day and every month. But there are models of work where it is not necessary to produce for 8 hours a day to be effective.

Everything depends on the sector and the way we have chosen to develop our business: if you work with customers directly, your presence will be more necessary, but if you work in training people or on a website, you only need to be present in the moments that you have established.

What is your choice?

Work and learn

To work constantly make you lose sight of the whole and have an impact on your creativity, your effectiveness and your income. I think it's important to find the balance between work and learn to feed that spark and to not get lost in the details.

Being the owner of your life

Some mornings on my way to work I wonder:

- Maria, what would you be doing at this time if you were working for yourself?

Ah yes! My goals are very clear to me and I would act accordingly. As I devote priority to those things that have a lever effect, or multiplier, the kind of thing that would work with very little effort to make money work for me, I'm sure that things like that are those that I like to do.

Obelix Goes To Belgium

French actor Gerard Depardieu has left France to live in Belgium.
He has paid 85% in taxes to his country and is moving to enjoy a fairer taxes system.
As I said in my Robin Hood syndrome article, they always start by saying:
- "Let's tax the rich, the rich are bad and keep all to themselves while there are poor people over there"
And then everyone ends up paying more taxes, even old retired people now.

The image of France in the world

But Depardieu has something of gaulish, there is something big and honorable about this man. At least he hasn't got his hand in other people's pockets.
He has left onpenly and renounced to french passport when the prime minister Ayrault described the move as shabby.
But he is everything except shabby, his income comes from hard work from his youth and he has always invested and created jobs in France.

Why is he so criticized

There is a big list of rich socialists who are in the exile to avoid the tough tax system which are never criticized. But Depardieu is a republican and it is his political side that gets him in trouble.
They use criticism, guilt, denigration and belittling citizens to push them to pay.
- "Oh, he is so selfish, all that money that he hasn't earned all by himself".

But it doesn't come to their minds that they don't deserve and they haven't work for all the luxury, servants and planes they enjoy today after getting into power, as the new selfish aristocracy, some kind of modern monarchy.
Will such behavior encourage young people to strive and advance in society?

How to Improve Your Financial Situation

Monday, December 10, 2012
We are near the end of 2012 and I am reviewing all the positive changes. As for the negative things I take them as lessons from which to learn to move forward more wisely.

Take control

Or better to say: take responsability. This year we have reduced the negative balance in our bank account to make it disappear. We have decided to just offer chocolate as Christmas gift for the adults.

I've been checking our bank account online at least once a week to reduce and control spenses.

The result is that we have come to end of the month in positive balance, which has not happened for a long time, maybe years, so that we will not pay extra bank fees.

Bank overdraft fees are that money that banks make you pay when you have not enough money just to sink you more into debts.

We were tired of working for the bank and working to pay credits. We also have a plan to pay off all debts, which is already in its way. And a savings plan, which is already well in its way too.

The thing was to get out of that behavior where you swim in comfort hoping that things are going to come to you by themselves, like apples falling from a tree right into your hands.

But no, we had to claim 1000 euros to the tax service that they wanted to charge us by error and we fixed the issue.

We have changed our phones fees we work with the new Free Operator and now we only pay 19 euros/month. This has made us about 120 euros in savings each month.

More things you can do to improve your financial situation

  1. Negotiate the interest rate: if you have a current credit, ask to review the interest rate, see if you can you lower it down.
  2. Cancel subscriptions: reviews all subscriptions, insurance and fees you do not need and call them to cancel everything. Perhaps it is just 5 euros but is your money and you are tring to stop all leaks.
  3. Ask for a raise: If you worked to increase the turnover of your company directly or indirectly, you can use this as an argument to demand a wage increase, at least try!
  4. Learn Finances: Get at least the basics and if you invest in financial products and study them well, read the contract before signing.
Lately everyone wants more money, but how many are willing to take care of it?

How do you think the rich have become rich? It is because they have learned to use money, to reclaim it when needed, to spend it wisely without wasting, to invest it to make it work for them and even to give it in a controlled way.

It's all about acting and not let things go

Some people do not check their bank accounts and thay just wait a call from the bank to find out that they have no money.

Remember that your time and your effort are equal to money. Money is a common good, and if you treat it well you will take the first step toward your freedom: financial security.

Gold and Crisis

Thursday, December 6, 2012
We hear about the crisis from years ago. Everyone says it was inevitable and that economy is not an exact science that can be predicted.

But it is all about a story of bubbles: the tech bubble, the real state bubble, the speculative credit bubble and finally the bubble of sovereign debt that plagues many countries.

I would say that the worst of them is the speculative credit bubble and the excessive debt because it affects everyone: governments, businesses and homes.

Gold and currency

Fixing the price of things is the main job of the biggest economic actors and powers. When Bernanke (current president of the United States Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan's successor) aims to fight deflation he tries to set prices at a higher level than they would naturally be.

Inflating prices was imposing its own system of equivalence of things, goods and services to the dollar.

This was the end of the equivalence of the currency with gold.

Economists are the new high priests

And the assistants of politicians and banks. Their analyses have a great impact on the social and economic growth of a country.

A well known example of this is the classification of S & P (Standard & Poors). We know that the highest classification of this financial agency is AAA.

As S & P degrades the classification of a country, this has a huge impact on prices and market confidence.

Economy is there to serve the dominant interests, and they are unable to create a coherent historical thread of past events in order to anticipate and build a prosperous future for all.

And the masses are still numb with advertising and materialism and the need for security as primary goals, submerged in the lagoon of conformism.

And when we see the waste of millions and millions of dollars in bailout some countries, like Greece and Spain, they do want to make us believe that it's for the good of all. But all that money coming out from one pocket today will have to replaced later at some point, right?

In the mean time no one really understands what is happening.

The United States seeks and cares for its gold with the utmost care, they are always talking about their gold reserves, always preserving it and protecting it.

They know that paper money is nothing if it is not backed by gold, the 9000 tons of gold they have.

While some dumb European countries have been selling gold at $ 260 an ounce.

Build your own economic universe

And in all this, what I can do? you will tell me.

Just accept and create your own economic universe as part of yourself and take care of it. Your money comes from your efforts, your creativity, your courage to go out and make it. But in the everyday life we do not want to care about it.

And so we get more credits, more debts. After all this is how everyone lives.

But do you really need it? Learn to use money as a tool, learn to receive it, give it and multiply it.

Learn how to change it only for what is of real value to you.

And keep your own gold reserve to care the most important reserve: that which is the best in at the bottom of your heart.

Why Christmas?

Saturday, December 1, 2012
Christmas is near. You see blinky lights and colours all around. Santa is ringing the bell and shouting at the door of every shop.
Christmas is beautiful for children, it's mean to be for children.
Christmas is like Saint Valentine: it should be every day.
But marketing brains have chosen one single day of celebration so you could spend all your money on fancy presents.
If you need to offer presents and gifts, let them be meaningful gifts of love.

Does Merry Christmas mean merry gifts?

For some, maybe.
Christmas was meant to be a celebration for the Lord Jesus birthday and before that it was a pagan roman celebration called the "saturnalia feast" where they decorated rooms with bay leaves and green trees.
Nowadays it is a celebration where people burn their credit card and lend money to buy the fanciest and more expensive presents they can buy: it is a logo celebration.

Make Christmas time a time of love.

But his year make it special, try to get all your loved ones together to sing and get merry.
Be thankful for all the good things you've got and enjoy the simple things which got more value.

Spend less and enjoy more.
Light up a fire in your heart.
Merry Christmas.

6 Attitudes to Get Rich

Sunday, November 25, 2012
I would like to talk about attitude. This is what is taught in leadership: to be a leader it is to be above all giving an example.
If you see that your boss is asking you to come to work nicely dressed while he looks like a beggar his message has no weight or even worse, it discredits him.

All that we learn about leadership is very useful to become rich or to achieve financial freedom . Here's how to apply it when it comes to money. You may know what comes next, but what do you about it?

The first step is to find out what the people who are broke do (this is no shame, I was once broke too). Really do your research. Go and ask them how they do it to be broke without  judging them but listening attentively to every word. If you're broke is even simpler: you just have to watch what you are doing.

The second step is: do not do like they do.
  1.     Do not read what they read.
  2.     Do not throw the blame on those they blame on things.
  3.     Do not talk like they talk.
  4.     Do not consume what they consume.
  5.     Do not use their excuses.
  6.     Do not act like they act.

The slightest change in one of these attitudes is the best way to start. If you pay attention to it, you will realize how easy it is to do everything the opposite to what the vast majority do and there you have a chance to do it otherwise.
How are you going to change what you do not see?
It is stupid how everything begins with attitude.

And if you pay attention you will see that in 1 year, 2 years or 5 years you will look back and you will say "Wow, that was it!"

Look for good models and replace everything

  1. Read what your models read.
  2. Act like them.
  3. Understand their way of thinking.

What is your attitude towards money?

Financial Security

Friday, November 23, 2012
How dow you know if you have financial security?

Financial security is not a matter of numbers: there are those who earn 10,000 dollars a month and have more difficulties and hardness than some earning 2000 dollars who live in perfect comfort.

How is it possible?

Because they have a healthy attitude towards money.

If you're sick of:
  •     Finishing every month in negative balance
  •     Not earning enough
  •     Paying credits
  •     Suffering to save only 50 dollars per month

You need to learn what is financial security.

When you see that the use of the credit card have left a hole of 500 dollars in your bank account this will cause you shame, insecurity and frustration. This is what makes you a slave of money.

When you see that your month's earnings are 50,000 dollars instead of the 100,000 that you had planned and you show yourself aggressive, greedy and unfair towards others. This is what makes you a slave of money.

Having problems with money is the opposite of financial security. Financial security does not put its trust in money, because you fear a lack of it or because you always want more and more. Money is like sex: it is a taboo subject that nobody wants to talk about.

Very few people recognize that they have problems with money.

Changing habits about money

  • If you always buy on credit and allow financial institutions to charge you and squeeze you.
  • If you fall into the trap of "buy now and pay within three months."
  • If you fall into the trap of buy now and pay at "comfortable" deadlines.
  • If you accumulate several monthly payments on credit purchases.
  • If all this makes you reach the end of the month in negative balance numbers.
  • If you are overwhelmed by debt.

Are you wondering how to get out of it?

First try to find out why you need to buy so many things and where that impulse comes from  within you. Try to enjoy the things you already have and stop completely to buy on credit.

Change the habit of buying on credit by a new habit of paying with cash. If what you want to buy is expensive try to save money to get it. Maybe you will realize that you don't really need it after all and enjoy a more frugal life.
At the end you will be very pleased to discover that you control your money and this does not mean you can not spend it means do not spend money you haven't got.

When you ask for a loan you are loaning on your future, on the revenue that you have not yet earned to pay credits. This is money that belongs to you and you could spend it on something else. Financial security is changing habits about money.

Financial Security

Change those destructive habits of loosing by new habits about earning money, and start saving a little bit each month.
And while you rebuild your finances you will be rebuilding your life.

Kleptocracy and Sovereign Debt

Wednesday, November 14, 2012
We live in a period of great economic differences, there are countries we heard very little  about: these are the prosperous countries.

Do you know who rules in Switzerland or which is their political system?

We only hear about it when they talk about  the Swiss bank accounts that people have there. It is a peaceful country, without turbulences.

I was lucky enough to live there for a long period of time and I was impressed by these things I saw in Switzerland:
  •     The hospitality of its people.
  •     The ambience of peace and security.
  •     Prosperity.

At noon when the owners closed their shops to go for lunch they left outside their products in the street, where they had been exposed, as they went to lunch quietly.

Of course no one stole anything, no need to steal, they didn’t even locked their cars.

Well, maybe things Geneva do not go that far, but it was mainly so. It was the first place where I could start to save money for the first time and the country is so stable that to live there gives you a sense of tranquility and constant safety.


There are other countries whose system of government is kleptocracy, that is, that politics and state finances are designed by and for thieves.

The the economic power, political and judicial powers must bow down to this kleptocracy.

Kleptocracy has created a system of total domination to his subjects: the sovereign debt.

What is the sovereign debt

When a country spends more than it earns it is in deficit, then borrows by issuing sovereign debt.
Sovereign debt is the promise that you will pay your debts with real money later.

A 10-year sovereign loan is a promise to pay the money at the end of 10 years.

In this system when central banks distribute "free" money  or below its price to the banking system to buy state debt, money ceases to be a common good to form and feed the kleptocratic class.

This began with the deregulation of the 80s, this paradigm is based on the idea that growth has to come from debt.


The background of deregulation comes down to this: it gives the banking and financial system in general the opportunity to take, for example, a unit of surplus wealth from production resources or from savers. This unit becomes its benefits to increase back their capital.

This increase multiplied by the leverage effect of debt by the bank, say up to 12 units, allows the creation of an additional credit over 12 times the original unit at the cost of the tax on the productive economy.

The source of the fund comes from the deviation of money as a common good, the possibility that the banking system can collect revenue from traders, workers and savers and returning it multiplied in the form of credit.

Deregulation has in itself the seeds of greed and insolvency.

Get out of debt

The first step to reach a real solution to this is to stop spending more than it comes in and stop basing the production of capital on this kind of "artificial" money.

Another main step to find a real solution is to make laws that control these unethical practices and to make productivity come from real creativity and not limit it by the dominance of the central banks that are so fond of certain politicians.

If I wanted to explain all this is to encourage you to work for your own future acting from the present now and working for your prosperity.

Save money and if you want to buy something make it a saving project until you have the money to pay it in cash.

Do you see what sovereign debt is? A complete nonsense!

But you are smarter and finer than all that and instead of paying high interest rates and work for others, work only for yourself, your family and those who love you.

Make Money and Learn

Saturday, November 10, 2012
How to make more money and learn at the same time? What is the relationship between learning and making more money?

The desire to learn is self-esteem based. When we don’t know something we do recognize a new limit unless you take it as a challenge to grow in the dynamics of learning.
What we do not know yet or what we have not learned yet, rekindles old failures: the exam I did not understand, the diploma I failed to get ..

But do we have to know everything and learn everything? Surely not! If the fact of recognizing my limits reduced or hurt my self esteem is because learning has to be selective and directed, it has to be a focused process.

What I should I learn then?

First of all that contributes to my self development and personal self esteem: a foreign language, music, maths .. whatever seems good to me!
And the second thing is to learn anything that allows me to earn more money: SEO, marketing, finance, personal growth ..
Obviously the two roads meet.

To learn about what we like to increase our self-esteem is the foundation of our development. No personality is built without a true self. The fact of believing that somehow we’ll reach the goal or find the solution to a particular problem is possible only with good self-esteem based on knowledge, on what we have learned.

Now remember, that mistakes are part of learning, it is valuable information to continue and go on. How many times do I have changed my web project? Well, I hope not many more now that I have an specific purpose.

The ability to make money

Remember that financial education is needed to achieve financial stability by working less.

Working without learning is doomed to make little money.
The moment you have enough self-esteem to advance and get an understanding of the world around you then you're ready to make more money.
And how will I earn more money? Because I understand the world around me better than most people and because I’m worth of it.

Let's see: if I'm the head of a business rather than look for a technical training, I’ll see the way to understand the world around my company and the way to grow the people within it. The vision of my company is closely related to the understanding of the environment surrounding my company, this is the mechanism that makes it earn money.

Work smarter and work less

When we do not understand our environment we are willing to blindly believe in appearances that prevent us from increasing revenues.
For example, if someone says in your company: things go wrong now, this year we should not ask for a pay raise.
But if you really want to learn to assess the situation yourself and what was your contribution and your knowledge and your self-esteem you can make them understand your point of view.
And to ignore about personal finance will costs you money: paying more for the car, credit card and banking services.

Being rich does not necessarily mean getting more revenue

I can get the same income by working less?

Then I'm richer. But it is my personal lifestyle that can give me what I want. To exit the scheme of traditional full-time job I have to learn to know how to improve my situation, to better use and develop my potential to get constant profit.

This is the key to the path to financial independence: progress and learn constantly.

Frugality will not Make You Rich

Saturday, November 3, 2012
Frugality creates a sense of scarcity.

You've probably heard that to be rich you have to be frugal and keep a kind of spartan life style squeezing cents.
It is a trend in now the U.S., get all discount coupons as possible and always borrow things.
Sell ​​your possessions, and buy only generic brands and always be deprived of everything that is considered a luxury.
Well, this is fine for a limited period of time or if you are overwhelmed by debts and creditors are chasing you and the bank too.

But you see, by always living a very frugal lifestyle with a mean and lean spirit you're telling your subconscious that you are always poor, what are you saying to your spirit?
We're saying that there is nothing, no resources, wealth and prosperity that you will always be poor. It is a message of scarcity and constant need.
I know that you will say this: after all you've written about frugality, spend less and invest the rest and all the rest, now you say you do not have to be frugal and go the opposite way?

You have to balance things of course! Now, if you pass in front of a flower shop and see the most beautiful bouquet of flowers there for the woman you love: buy it!

The question is that frugality as a lifestyle is part of a strategy in limited periods of time, for example if your account is in the very low numbers and you have a lot of debts, then get out of the trap first, because having many debts keeps you from living in peace and makes you a work slave.

After all, it is much more creative and interesting to invent new ways to make money than sacrifice your self and your family to see how to save it.

Just balance things, love is first, obsession is craziness.. and life is so beautiful!

Slave of Poverty

Wednesday, October 31, 2012
When you focus on concrete needs you become a slave of poverty...

    .. Once he reviewed  his life, he got conscience that the only time that he wasn’t poor were the years where he did not have concrete needs. And it became clear that poverty is a state of being and his concrete needs overwhelmed him.

Sayings of Don Juan, from the books of Carlos Castaneda.

And Don Juan explained when he’d lost the feeling of detachment and of freedom, he also lost abundance.

Money and abundance are a little bit as a couple: if you stick too much you lose your inner independence and lose important objectives in your life and that’s the beginning of problems.
But Don Juan had to have abstract needs or goals of freedom and then money and abundace came in automatically.

To make money do not get obsessed with money

And the fact that you get obsessed with every new cent, with every new earned dollar, makes you turn your search of the Holy Grail of the financial freedom into a banal way of materialism.

And on the other hand there are those who get obsessed so much with  saving and living a frugal life that they turn the way to economic freedom into hell.


After all it is better not to get obsessed with anything but: which is the correct attitude?
It is not  a question of confusing detachment with lack of concern and negligence.

You have to be careful and take the responsibility  to live a better life and not waste it. Negligence and obsession are two forms of materialistic slavery, there are those who are really  poor even having fabulous income but they live as real slaves.

There are those who worry about not having enough to fulfill their minimal daily needs, these also are poor.

Make your life simple

And keep yourself from having so many things as they impose you by the mass media: just disobey, you don’t have to do exactly as  the others do, nor to buy exactly the same things as all the others just because it is trends or fashion.

But this is necessary to do it without resignation or sacrifice, but just because all those things are not important anymore, because we are heading to more valuable and more lasting things.

One of these things can be the freedom of living without credits and without paying exaggerated interests rates that hinder our freedom of choice.

What really counts is our perception of things ... what we really want from the bottom of  ourselves.

When was the last time that you did something that really you wanted to do, without being concerned with the opinion of others and without waiting for the approval of the others?

When will be the next time that you will do it?

Why the Rich Get Richer

Thursday, October 25, 2012
Why do the rich get richer and the poor remain poor?

What do your coworkers talk about?

Poker, football, ...and all kinds of critics and gossip and if you happen to talk about money, personal finances or a different way of life they look at you as if they were seeing an alien.

In the mean time they play the game of running after the carrot without ever reaching the goal, like in the rat race, as if work were a god and the only visible target.

Is a rich person smarter than you, or more beautiful than you?

Of course not! But it is a person who just know the tax laws, knows how to pay less taxes and get taxes exemptions and if he doesn’t know he will pay a counselor who knows. He sees the opportunities, rather than complain about the crisis, and is always searching for new business opportunities and buy assets cheaply.

This is my advice: learn personal finances, learn how it works and control your money.

Why does a football player make so much money?

Because they are smart, because his career "only" lasts until age 35, because they have the gift of speech? no!
Simply because there are millions of eyes that look at them! They make their living from the mass effect, that's all and they don’t even need to be the best on the field.

You have the right to not like it, and even to desire to forbid it .. I know how easy it is to design an enemy, a face, a profession that bother us.

Our boss has fired himself, he has earned enough millions and is retired from the game, he has become really rich! And that gives us something to do something to criticize to give us the impression that we are right and above everyone else so we don’t have to question ourselves and our own lives.

You can be right or get rich, that's up to you, and when I speak not necessarily of having millions to be wealthy.

Wealth is a state of mind that is inside you

There are certain conversations which are monologues, in which you can not convince anyone nor be right, be vigilant and keep your eyes open, the poor and their "good" counsels are everywhere and while they talk about their banalities I think of riches and the abundance that I have in the middle of this world.

Those who live a life of wealth are truly discrete and think in a completely different way and they don’t need to convince others with their beliefs to always be right, they just have the courage to be true to their own ideas and have the courage to live them.

What do you think?

Make Money with your Blog with Few Visits

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

How to make money online with your blog with few visits increasing the revenue per page

Many have thought about creating a blog to make money online to work from home to generate extra income.

But very few get to create a blog of authority and get many visits each month. The reason is simple: it requires hard work, quality and consistency so after a couple of months they get tired of writing and promoting the blog.

But there are others who work 10 hours each day to get more visitors and earn more money online with ads and banners.

Some people also take from their spare time to write and comment on other blogs to attract more visitors and they get no more than a few dozen visits a day.

How much money you get for every person who visits your page

Say you have 10,000 visitors a month and you have earned 150 dollars with banners and advertising. We are going to figure out how much money you make per visitor.

Just divide 150/10000 = 0.015

This means that every visitor to your website makes you win 0.015 cents.

How much money you want to make with your website each month

Say your goal to get financial freedom is 1500 dollars a month, but making 0,015 for each visitor,  how many visits you need to achieve your goal?

Divide 1500/0, 015 = 100 000, you need 100 000 visitors per month to get 1500 dollars.

Here we’ve got two problems:

    The conversion rate is not very good.
    The income earned by each visit is very low.

How to increase the income per visit

What if you are very far from reaching even 10000 visits each month? It may take a couple of years to establish the blog and give it confidence and authority. Time has much to do with your succes: the time spent and a job well done is what gives importance to your website.

We said that we’ve got now € 0.015 per visit so we will study two tactics to improve it even if you have less than 10000 visits.

Increase the number of clicks per visit

You may be able to do better optimizations and place banners and ads, as long as you won’t hinder user experience.

To make money online you have to win the user, the user is first. Remember that the user is a customer and should not be abused by putting  intrusive advertising everywhere that will make him/her return no more to your site.

You have a golden opportunity to win a customer, and if your site is good they will stay forever.
Because you  created your page thinking about people,  isn't it? and to communicate things that are important to you and that is why your blog is a blog impeccable and with authority.

Well, if after all the improvements you get your income up to 0.03 cents per visit, now see how many visits we need to achieve our goal of 1,500 dollars per month: 1500/0, 03 = 50 000 visits.

And how much would you get now with 10000 hits? .03 X10000 = 300 dollars.

With these modifications so optimistic we managed to double the amount earned through advertising. You see that the only solution for the moment to increase more this extra income is to reach 50,000 visits, which is in itself possible, but it will require more time and more work.

Diversify your income sources

How we're going to make more money with the traffic we have now? A wonderful day you decide to create and sell your own products online.

You can make a training video on a topic that you are expert, or selling languages courses, advice on finances, .. anything that is really well done.

If you sell a product for 30 dollars and create a good script to sell it your conversion rate can reach 3%,
You can create your own products you can always sell the other as an affiliate and earn a commission but it must be a product in which you believe and have tried.

The best is to create your own products, because you would get a full return of the money from each sale, after all selling as an affiliate is working for the business of another but it is obviously an option as good as any other, it’s all up to you.

People who earn more money with blogs are those who sell products

You are selling your product and your sales pitch is so well written that you sell 3 products every 100 visits coming to your blog. With 3 x 30 = 90 dollars per 100 visits we are having a conversion rate of 3% and an income of 0.90 dollars per visit.

We have a 3000% increase in income earned per visit.
The big bloggers have already learned how to make money online, those who earn more than 4 or 5 figures a month are selling products or services on your page. Some of them have been removed and other advertising and banners. Logically I consider that advertising is very important especially for starters, it gives you extra income and helps you continue on your project while you consolidate other entries and money.
Your website is your business

Bloggers are entrepreneurs and they really treat their blog as their business and users as their customers, so you have to look for good business strategies while you are giving the best of yourself, because after all you are the only end product yourself throughout your excellence.

So, what you have to offer that is different?

Something that gives value, solutions, services ..and people will come looking for you and pay the price in just return,  both sides win.

And you, you want to make money with your blog?

Do you think sales are a bad thing?

Saturday, October 13, 2012
Do you think sales are bad?
To have a bad image of sales when you are independent is simply suicidal.

I know it because I myself am striving for financial freedom and I plan to sell my own products to be independent.
But the word "sales" has a negative connotation here in Europe. Ah! That marketing people always trying to sell you something, like if it were some kind of dirty thing.

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To have a bad image of sales when you are an employee of a company is just like spitting on your soup. Through what will your salary be paid to you each month? Thanks to the sales forces in your company, who spend their time on the road, on the phone or in a customer’s office and which are in contact with the aggressiveness of indecision, the turnarounds, the complaints and what not coming from customers (because the products that you have made do not make the road!).
"No, no, no, sales, frankly ... it is not for me ..... ". But it is because "they" do the (dirty) job of selling what you have designed or manufactured so that you get your paycheck at the end of the month!

Finally, the only ones who would not be concerned are officials and government employees, providing that there is not a competing offer in the private sector that surpasses them.

When you don’t like sales it is often because you cannot sell yourself because of your lack of self esteem or your own products either

Do you want to live in this world? Respect those who sell, it is hard work!

The Three Types of Savings

Monday, October 1, 2012
How do you control your financial future? Do you save money every month?
"Save? I would really like to but I can't! I will start to save in three months ..."

Most people earn xxxx dollars a month and then: pay the electricity, water, gas, food, insurance, Internet fee, mobile phone, going out, cinema .. and if they are lucky at the end the month and there is a little extra money left then they save a little.

With this way of functioning you are enriching everyone except yourself! But to save 1000 euros as emergency fund is necessary to be confident in the everyday it is the first step towards your financial security even if you have debts.

The three types of savings

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To establish a consistent savings plan you've got these types: savings in the short, medium and long term.

Short-term savings

This is saving for the unexpected and for yearly needs like: car repairs, home appliances, taxes, vacation ... To make sure your savings plan works best is better to schedule a monthly transfer from your main bank account and if it possible open a savings account online because just with Internet access you can control your movements and because is much more cheaper.

Obviously right amount depends on your personal and professional situation if you have children you will have to provide higher amounts of course.

Medium-term savings

For goals between 5 and 15 years, for example to give down payment to buy a home, to pay for the education of your children, prepare a great trip ...

Long-term savings

The long-term life plan represents more than 15 years like preparing for retirement, for example, or even better: your early retirement financial independence.

Visualize these three types of savings as three baskets.

There must always be money in those baskets sticking to the initial goal, we must not take the money to buy a house project to buy a car instead, for example.

So save, perhaps just 20 dollars a month for a start if you've never done it and you will create the new habit of saving money for you which some call the habit to pay yourself first.

Do I have to Pay for Information?

Thursday, September 20, 2012
I firmly believe in the principle that you have to give to receive. If you are selling your products or services it is a good thing to share part of it to promote it or because you  want to share that part out of pure generosity. That part only, not all.

That which is received without giving loses value, it is a subconscious symbolic gesture.

The great Jodorosky gives free sessions every month in Paris at the Cafe Le Temeraire, he charges one symbolic euro for each of these sessions, it is only one euro but you are paying something for it.

But the idea that we can get all the information for free via the Internet may be hindering you from getting the best right now.

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"Yes, I need training but why should I will pay if I can get it for free on the Internet?"

And free advice is the most expensive advice in the end, so people who practice this idea are stagnated at the same point  and not progressing at all.

After a year they will be there on the same stpot and 10 years later it will be the same.

Do I have to pay to get information?

Well, not always, especially if you're starting out, but there will come a point where those who are better informed than you will take advantage.

Search for people who have achieved it and succeeded in their projects, how they have done it? They probably got a course or a book that inspired them, whatever ..

The idea that you can not trust in one specialized information because thay are selling it to you may be blocking you from getting significant training and go to next step.

Sell ​​your products

Maybe your are thinking about selling your own products or other’s through an affiliate system.

Do you think that people would buy them? Have you bought the tools to do the job?

If you want to create a great product you have to do it with the best possible tools.
Do you think you will always get these tools for free?

Well, do not go to the extreme and buy everything or you see of course, all I’m saying is that we need so see balance with money flux, money coming in as well as money coming out in balance.
Hopefully a positive balance to your favor.

Give Yourself All The Chances To Win

Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Make your money work for you and give yourself all the chances to win.
Some people wait all through their lives for a winning ticket from some game that will come to change everything.
Every week they spend lots of money to multiply their chances to win.
And they always go through the same cycle that happens at least once a week:
  • Expectation
  • Emotion
  • Deception
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I'm not saying that buying a ticket is a bad thing, but it is the dependence from it that becomes a bad teacher because you are learning to wait that good things come to your life through a random event instead of giving yourself all the chances by working towards your goals. That is quite a passive attitude.

Invest for benefits

Let's say that someone spends 200 dollars/month on gambling tickets, we are going to calculate how much money will return investing the same amount on a 5 years compounded interest plan at a 6% rate. This is a basic investment with annually compounded rate of return.

So with $1200/year for a 5 years period at 6% return will give $ 8,370.38 if you are making a $1,200 additions at the end of the year.

Here is a quick reminder of the compound interest formula:


FV- Future value
P - Initial investment
r - rate return
n - time period

So I hope this little calculation will encourage you to make money.
1,200 x 6 years= $6,000
8,370.38 - 6,000= $2,370.38

That is, your money is working for you now.

You can go further

You can go even further if you take a beside activity or a new project that will add an extra income to your revenue.

Do you want money?

Take an extra step to make it, that little first income coming from your own ideas or activities are like gold because they are yours and not someone else's. It is a child of your imagination and that is why we are here on earth: to exercise our power to create.
It is a wonderful experience in a mysterious and beautiful world, so do not miss it and act now.

Why do We Have Money Problems?

Saturday, September 15, 2012
I would better say why do we have problems with money?

We haven’t learned what to do with money when we have a lot or when we have very little.

Therefore it is very important to teach children the true value of money and what it is: it is a tool that we must learn to use, we should neither fear nor adore it, but just learn how to use it.

People talk about their money problems every day: how to earn enough or to earn more, how to spend or save, how to budget or how to invest in a troubled market. They complain about they can’t do because of lack of money.

But they talk very rarely about their problems with money and the two things go together.

To effectively solve money problems we have to deal with problems with money.

Do we have a healthy relationship with money?

It's all about seeing how this mechanism works and how to fix things that sometimes are in the subconscious or in the field of the emotions.

Problems with money have to do with our psychic life, the stories of our lives and the historical and social context in which we evolved and our experiences that have made us what we are.

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Each situation that has to do with money has emotional effects on us: the money we had when we were children and what we have learned about it. All that form a system belief that is reflected in the state of our bank accounts.

And so we can define these different problems:
  • The financially anorexics : they do not want or cannot get money.
  • The greedy: who accumulate money and block its circulation.
  • Big spenders: spending without measure to compensate for a lack of esteem.
  • The money addicts: those who confuse money with success and use every possible mean  to get it.

These are pathologies that we need to work on, feel free to send any comments and tell us how  you do about these things

A Mindset of Abundance

Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Do not confuse wealth with greed. Greed always wants more and more and do not appreciates what you already have. Abundance recognizes the true value of things and recognizes that we can create that value if you want and when you want.

Do you criticize those who are rich?

If you are on the road to financial freedom what is your attitude when you see that others have reach it?

When you see that others have got it does it make you anger or jealous to see that others have abundance?

Do you criticize people who have money or do you think that it's wrong to be rich?

And don’t you think that to criticize what you want to be is contradictory? How will you create a mindset of abundance?

Abundance has no limits

Only our personality has limits and to understand the creative act is to see the truth clearly and truly acquire an abundance mentality.
An important key is to get rid of what you really don’t need and put your wishes in harmony with what you really want. Start appreciating what you already have and you will live in abundance right now.

If you lack things or money is because you’ve call yourself that teacher in your life. Do not close your eyes to the shortages that could come, rather integrates in that feeling of need, live it, accept it, learn the lesson and move on to focus your power to create the wealth you already have.

What is an abundance mindset

Some think that abundance is a manifestation of unlimited extravagance, like wearing Rolex watches and drive a two million euros Ferrari. And this may well be temporary to soon discover that these things do not really fill you up.

Abundance is joy, happiness ... and these things have nothing to do with numbers in your bank account but the numbers of your bank account will come up along with it.

What brings you true happiness is to appreciate what is good in your life accepting and cherishing yourself. Finances can go up or down but you will not be tied to that. Everything you do comes from within and has to be in joy and freedom.

For me personally what makes me happy is being able to express my creativity and transmit it, I just love writing and that simple thing makes me happy.

And here's a little secret that will always give you a mindset of abundance: the more you appreciate the lessons you’ve learned in your scarce time the faster it will move you away from it because you won’t need to learn the same thing twice.

Therefore be happy, enjoy

Robin Hood Steals the Poor

Thursday, August 30, 2012
Robert Kiyosaki talks about the Robin Hood syndrome in his book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"

Robin Hood steals from the rich

Most people were thrilled with the idea of ​"stealing from the rich to give to the poor", after all it was just that the rich could contribute in taxes to support poor people's needs.

This helped to pass the first law forcing people to pay taxes to the state.

Robin Hood is cheating us all

In England the king asked all citizens contributions for the financing of specific causes, such as war or the construction of a special building.

Just till 1874 when they created a new law forcing the rich to pay taxes permanently, this law was extended to the United States and then to the other countries as we know it today.

How governments are deceiving people

At first these taxes were intended only for the rich and the people who had properties and the middle and working class where duped to voting for such laws believing that it would only affect the rich.
But the government became greedy and forced the working and middle class to pay taxes even more to fill up state reserves.

Robin Hood and Taxes
How do governments spend taxes?

They spend taxes to pay all government workers salaries and to pay the rich in the form of contracts with large corporations.

Kiyosaki explains how the rich use large corporations to hold and make more money.

A corporation is a legal entity protected by the law, so money is also legally protected and they will always find a way to pay less taxes but increase revenues even if taxes rates are higher.

Seeing al this the working and middle classes are the main support to the poor

Robin Hood steals from the poor

Do you think that Kiyosaki was right? Do you find similarities to what is happening in your country now?

I think he was right and that is why there is the rat race and they are the real poor in modern society, the slaves of credits and loans.

That is why it seems so important to focus on financial freedom, it is not necessary to be a millionaire to get it, all you've got to do is to change your way of life and follow a few simple steps:
  • Pay off ALL your debts
  • Save money
  • Generate passive income

What do you think?

Willpower to Change Things

Sunday, August 26, 2012
Sometimes it happens that I get discouraged when I have a hard day and my goals seem distant. There are just days that seem to be less inspiring than others because the struggle has been long and the rewards are less evident.. or just because pure human weakness.

What can you do on a day like this? Who can work in these conditions? If you have no motivation, maybe you should take a break to behold your own sadness, to sleep a little bit or watch TV to evade yourself.

But, is it better to escape from reality or to take responsibility and accept the moment you're living right now?

Act according to your convictions not according to your feelings

When things go wrong I try to decide to act on the vision I've had, it is like being faithful to the commitment to myself that goes beyond any state of mind or mood in which I may find myself.

In this case I try to separate feelings from the way I've decided to take. It seems difficult, but look at it this way: feelings are momentary but you way and goals are always there.
You can get discouraged, but you will not be discouraged for ever.

There is something I enjoy immensely about Mozart's life when he was saying that he did not wait to feel inspired to work. Mozart did not wait for a muse to whisper to his ear the musical notes to write.

Mozart was always working and then inspiration came along.
His work is so amazingly perfect and we know that he had hard times too. Fortunately for us and because of his willpower he left us a remarkable legacy and a work so extensive despite his short existence.

But you will tell me:

- "I'm not Mozart".

Neither Mozart knew that he was Mozart at that moment ..

How to develop willpower


You've go to focus your energy on a target and attack against the weakest point until the problem will crack and then you can go all the way to overcome it completely. You have to choose the initial goal and create a plan of attack and execute it quickly without thinking.

Willpower will bring out the passion in you and with discipline it will be easy  to act under any circumstances and this will become a habit.

Consistent hard work and effort always give good results .. But if at any time you feel sad or discouraged, accept it and live for a moment just long enough to transform it, but do not stay there!

Remember the horse from The Never Ending story film? He died sunk in the swamp of sadness, it was going down, down, down till the end, so do not stand there because there is nothing to gain!

Willpower to change things

If you feel sad, angry, discouraged .. maybe it's a sign that things must change. One of the things may be your environment, be more selective with people around you. Start a plan to change things and give priority to those who are a boost for you.

Remember: to win something or to be something you have to become that something.
A choice that you can make with a little bit of willpower.

The World is a Fair Place

Tuesday, August 21, 2012
The world is a fair place and so it is manifested for you.

The world is a fair place if you want to see it that way, and in the same way we are invaded by advertising, so it is that information and media are in charge of feeding you each day with catastrophic information.

I'm not saying you have to close your eyes to what is happening out there, but I am saying that it is not the only thing that's going on out there, there are good news every day  too.

Every day when you wake up you have the sun light, the air that gives life and all you've got to do is to take advantage of the opportunities right in front of you, but our mind is poisoned with negative information and conversations.

Conversations with others and with ourselves is that we have to monitor, negative information that feeds us is that we have to eliminate. You have to lighten yourself for the journey.

I 'm not saying that there are no injustices, but there is also justice out there and the world is a fair place too.

Your children have a fair life by your side with abundance and wealth and not only material things but they are receiving all the inner wealth that you carry within you right now, they are your heirs.

"Yeah, but look at my boss how he has enriched himself and how bastard he is."

Your boss may be a bastard, but he wasn’t always rich and all the rich are not bastards.

There are many rich people who start from nothing and got rich in a fair way and for them the world is a fair place, because they are getting the return of their investment.

What is your choice

What I want to show you with all this is that the world is a fair place if that's your choice.

I remember one of the favorite phrases from one of my mentors:

    Instead of complaining about how rotten this world do something to impact it.

If you're sinking, despairing, discouraged, May be it is because without you're complaining without realizing it ? Or you are adopting an attitude that is not yours that it doesn’t belong to you and therefore you are living the life of another.

Gold inside you

The world is a fair place
Stop complaining and make your world a fair place. While you are there watching all the misery on tv, others are seeing gold.

The social networks are also there to catch you with shared news and events that fill your human consciousness with all that dirt.

I'm not saying that Facebook and Twitter are bad, they are tools that transmit the information in a viral way but if you are dependant of these things you should change your habits: it is better to make a phone call than to have a virtual exchange in the Facebook wall for example.

Do not forget that Facebook was created by an asocial person.

You can only see the gold that is in yourself with a clear mind.

It is not surprising to see so many people discouraged nowdays, depressed and whatnot, but people who have achieved great things see that the world is a fair place just because they are living in it and they have been able to project it.

It is better to put your energy into changing your situation and improve it than in sinking and thinking about what you haven’t got, it is better to see the gold in you.

And believe me, we all have that gold inside, we are all born equally and without discrimination with the same potential the difference is that some believe that the world is a fair place and manifest so.

Tell me, how is the world for you?

10 Things You Don't Learn at School

Sunday, August 19, 2012
Education is important but the school fails to teach us the essential things to navigate through this world.

What should we learn at school?

1. To understand money

What do teachers know about financial education? Do we learn about how to invest, save,  how to buy things and control our money?
When young people begin the adventure of life all they know is:
  1.     Finish your studies
  2.     Take the job that will pay the best salary
  3.     Buy your house

2. Teamwork

At school they tell you do not copy, do not share anything with others and get find things in life all by yourself. Do not trust the others: they might steal what you are doing.

But in the real world to know teamwork is of utmost importance.

3. Stop wanting to be always the smartest.

Things You Don't Learn at School
Many rich people or those who have chosen an independent lifestyle are not technically smart. They just need to know the mechanisms to handle people and the necessary funds to achieve their goals and that's it.

Knowing how to get surrounded by the right people is much more important than being the best ever in all disciplines. as Napoleon Hill says: knowing how to use the collective brain.

If you think you’ve got all the answers then you’ve lost as there always be somebody smarter than you are that will beat you.
The real smart thing is to learn how to collaborate how to motivate and work with others and you will get things done much faster.

4. To say I don’t know

To be always wanting to have all the answers is one of the biggest obstacles to teamwork. Do not be afraid of looking ignorant in front of others. Is is better to say: I do not know but I will investigate it, than to give an stupid answer.

You do not have to know everything that's what Google is for, nobody expects you to be an encyclopedia and you may not know all the answers but if you know how to find them it will be enough.

5. Trust in yourself

Respect for authority is the first paradigm that school teach us to venerate superiors and to blindly obey.
It is very clear that respect for others is the universal paradigm, but is not necessary give more power to those who already have power over us.
You may follow the flow and obey to feel safe, but are these really your convictions?

6. Act on your convictions

The need to act always in accordance with the approval of others destroy our convictions and our potential.

It always amazes me to see people following the accepted procedure without ever questioning. If you have an idea that you think is good, defend it.
It is better to try and be wrong than to belong to the mass that has never even tried to.
If you try and make a mistake, at least you'll have the experience and you will learn.

7. Learn all the time

Now you have your college degree, that’s good! We’ll see you in 40 years when you reach the retirement age!
But to learn all the time is very important because you have to work for yourself more than you work for others.

8. Accepting failure

Failures and errors are a sign that you are near your goal. He who thinks that knows everything without experience is missing the great teachings that come from mistakes.
To live is to make mistakes and learn from failure.

    "Success is a lousy teacher because it makes you think you cannot lose". Bill Gates

9. Stop wanting to get the best grades

Today we have no right to error: if you mess up and fail you'll have bad grades and repeat course next year.
What will your mother think of you if you fail?

It is better to work towards your goals instead of getting a good grade for a subject that you will forget later.

10. Take control and say enough!

What is the phrase that you hear the most in school?
Shut up, hush!
The teacher is so boring that puts the whole class to sleep.

But what are you accepting with this? Boredom! But will you wait for the bell to ring to speak?
Life is too short.

What is the Origin of Euro Zone Debt Crisis

Thursday, August 16, 2012
The debt crisis, or the crisis of the euro area that everyone's talking about what it is and where it comes from.

In simple words this is the explanation of why we have a crisis today, the economy of countries works very much as home economy: if you spend more than you earn then you are really in trouble.

What is the cause of the crisis

The Crisis of the Euro Zone Explained
Interest rates were exceptionally low after entry to the euro in the countries of southern Europe and there was a boom in demand for credit from businesses and households.

Eveyone wanted money: individuals to buy homes and businesses to build them.
This reminds me: please do not borrow money and learn to live without credits.

Obtaining loans and mortgages from banks was very easy and that was what created the credit bubble that exploded with the comming recession in 2009.

Why Greece is in trouble?

Greece is a country that was living beyond its means, when they first became part of the European Community and adopted the euro, the Greek government was obtaining loans at an interest rate as low as Germany and that public spending exploded and got out of their hands.

Greek officials rose their salaries 50% between 1999 and 2007, much faster than in other euro area countries.

And while revenue came out of the state reserve, money ran away with tax evasion, a widespread practice in Greece, therefore after years of spending the deficit so high was out of control.

It is simple: money goes out but doesn't come in, what could happen?

In the 2008 crisis, Greece was not ready to cope. The debt reached such high levels that the Greek government could not pay loans and was forced to borrow huge emergency funds from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

The strict conditions of the loans of the European Union and IMF aggravated even more the problems of the Greek economy.

How the Greek problem affects the rest of Europe

The european economy is inter dependent, that means that what happens to one country affects all the others.

If Greece fails to pay its debt investors, insurance, banks and other entities, investors will not invest in all the other countries at risk, such as Spain and Italy, and a domino effect will have an outstanding effect.

What will happen if Greece leaves the euro zone

If Greece leaves the euro area the government will reintroduce the old currency and the drachma immediately will lose 50% of its value against the euro.

Creditors immediately lose half of the investments, this would cause the bankruptcy of many European banks that are inter connected.
European banks rely on each other to finance, and lending between banks would stop suddenly causing a sort of economic infarctus.

The European Central Bank should act and give everyone as a last resort to avoid bankruptcy and the flood of investors and savers who were going to retire cash from their accounts.

Out of the crisis: the hope of Iceland

The crisis has no easy way out, but the Iceland model gives us all hope and it is a key model. When Iceland's financial system collapsed, the government immediately accepted an IMF loan to nationalize their banks.

Then the government implemented a strict change control to prevent a collapse of its currency and imposed heavy losses on foreign creditors, protecting local savers and investors.

Iceland chosed to save local depositors and investors at the expense of banks.

A key model for a healthy solution to the crisis.

What do you think?

The Greedy

What is greed?

The ambitious and the greedy are two different personalities.

Greed is an attitude associated with the behavior of wanting to preserve your properties and money for yourself, it is to want to earn money all the time and never spend it.

Money is safely stored in bank accounts in the house of the greedy whose only purpose in life is to accumulate more and more and more.
The saver controls its budget and avoids useless expenses and save money to invest it and use it in the right time. So money flows in and out...

But every day I see greedy people lose money or cause enterprises and others to loose money too. If you are in the stocks investment you can loose everything just because you want more, more and more.

The greedy cannot imagine that we must give in order to receive, sow seed to harvest later and the return is back exponentially higher, a hundredfold.

Greed is insane

The Greedy
Remember Mister Scrooge? I think greed it's one of the forms of insanity that causes more suffering.
The greedy is irritable, unsociable, unbearable.
He spends only what is indispensable to the lowest possible price and rots the entire life of those around him. The greedy is a thief.

The greedy associates money to his own body: this has costs me an arm and a leg!
To spend is seen as an amputation of a member of their bodies so they show themselves cold, distant and always uncomfortable when it comes to spend.

And they want everybody else to behave like them, let's all take a bath in misery!

How to overcome this deadly sin?

Greed, which is also called avarice can be overcomed by focusing on all the good things in your life, all the other aspects of life that have been abandoned and neglected because of this avaricious obsession.

You need to allow yourself to enjoy life and pleasures and learn the basics of emotional intelligence.
Then you can try to make certain "useless" expenses, allow yourself to be happy and change your beliefs about money.

Set yourself limits: for example if you are winning with stocks investments tell yourself to fold them when you get 200%, that way you will follow an strategy and not an insane impulse.

Look for inner security and balance by better knowing yourself and understand that you cannot take money with you the grave or wherever we'll go there.

But do not think ambition and greed are the same, ambition is a passion, a desire. Healthy ambition of course, not the kind that become other pathologies that give nothing but suffering, because if ambition is exaggerated and out of control it can be the seed of greed and become a rotten weed in your beautiful garden.

So on the way to financial freedom do not let ambition control you and become something else, remember: money is a tool that we must learn to use and not the opposite, that's all.

Living Without Credit Cards

Tuesday, August 14, 2012
It is hard to live without debts nowadays as publicity and marketeers are constantly bombarding you with buy credit card messages.

How would your life be without debts and credits?

First, you will get peace of mind knowing that you owe to no one and second you can start your passive income project to get financial freedom.

Pay cash as much as you want
Credit and visa card push you to spend without control. When you are paying stuff via innocent credits your money expenses start going out of control, but can try a new way to buy things.
Decide what you want and set your self a saving goal to buy it. Let’s say you want a new TV that costs 600 euros, then you can set aside 140 euros/month and you will have it in four months. You will be paying by cash at no interest rate.
You are going to say: Yes but, what if I want a car. Perhaps for some really big things you will have to finance it, but you can always advance an amount to reduce monthly payments and interest.

Leave your credit car at home

Leave your credit card at home
Try this for awhile take some money in your wallet ad leave all those cards at home. Just for some time, the time necessary to learn a new habit.
If you don’t know how much money to take make a monthly budget and divide it in four parts then you will know how much to take by week.
Remember that this is an exercise to learn a new habit to control your money and reduce expenses.

Keep one credit card only

Or at least reduce the number of them as credit cards are expensive even if you don’t use them so you will save lots of money that way too.
But the main reason to keep one single credit card is because it is very hard to control expenses when you’ve got a bunch of them.

Why you should live without credit cards

Because you are expending money that you haven’t got, expending money that you owe not your own money that’s why debs are the opposite to investment and prosperity.
To get financial freedom you need a new mind set of prosperity with money coming in from passive income, investments, your projects and whatever, making your money work for you not the opposite!

What is Your Level of Freedom

Sunday, August 12, 2012
Do you decide where to live, with whom you live and how you spend your time? What is your level of freedom?

Level 1: You can not decide how to spend your time

Someone asked me recently at work what was my opinion about the social differences between men and women in our modern society. You see, this kind of the question is a tricky question that can not be answered easily without causing friction over differences of opinion.

I had answered that the true social difference in this world is between people that can go on vacation without having to ask permission for it and being the decision makers in all they do and all the others that need to ask permission for everthing.

The others work 40 hours a week for 40 years to obtain a minimal retirement amount, a tip payed at the very final period of life for having commited all of their life to society.
This is a system in which we all participate just because we have accepted it, but this is the real discrimination and a form of modern slavery.

I firmly believe that financial freedom is for all who want to have it and all who strive to achieve it.

But for now you have to ask permission to go on vacation and justify any absence from work, even half an hour to go and drink a coffee.

Neither you can decide the geographical location where you want to work and live unless your company allows geographical mobility.

Your job has many demands all the time and you are constantly answering these requests from others by phone, email and everything else and you think you are indispensable.

Please do not believe in the illusion that you are indispensable and that the company can not operate without you.

Level 2: You can choose how to manage of your time

And you can take time for you just by preventing that you will be away for a certain period. But preventing is not the same as asking for permission.

You can also decide where you will work at least part time and you can organize and keep things up to date while working at a distance.

You've started your own business or system in parallel with your work and expect to make at least as much money as your salary to jump out by yourself.

Level 3: You manage your time freely with very few limitations

Ah, life is beautiful, you make a living with passive income that supports your real activity is and you manage your time freely respecting only very small obligations.

You spend time doing the things you love without forgetting to study how to make new investments that will make your way to financial freedom a way of no return.

What do you think? What do you think is your level of freedom?

5 Steps to Get Financial Freedom

Saturday, August 11, 2012

1. Make the decision, take action

To achieve financial freedom we have to change our beliefs about money to leave room  for a new lifestyle.
What is the motivation to change your life? Are you ready to become financially free and make your own decisions? What will you do in your free time?

As for me, it was the fact that I worked for people so many years creating web sites and I had never
 thought of creating my own web site and my project to achieve financial freedom.

One day a web master came to our company to explain his project, my boss had bought one of his web sites.
In the meetings I realized how was his lifestyle: independent because he was his own boss and with lots of revenue that came from their web sites and also dedicating a few hours.
He had created a system to make money.

I said to myself: I want that for me, so then I was inspired and decided to take action.

2. Pay all your debts

To pay all your debts is to overcome the addiction to credits, changing your buying habits and establishing a plan to pay everything you owe.
Make a budget to control expenses and sell what you do not use to pay debts faster.

The first freedom to discover is to live a live without debts!

3. Create an automatic savings system

Put a fixed amount each month aside into a separate savings account, you can create a monthly bank transfer to an account without a credit card, just a savings account to save money and get interest of investment in return.

Do not worry if at first is a small amount perhaps just 50 euros, but after 10 months you will have 500 euros!

It is a matter of creating new habits and learning a new financial education.

4. Invest

In the previous steps to learn about how to achieve financial freedom we have been really talking about controlling money, see?

Pay off debt, budgeting, saving .. and investing now!

Study diversified financial products and investments in simple and compound interest.

 Einstein spoke of the wonders of compound interest and he was a genius, so this is good advice.

5. Work for yourself

This is the big extra step and not only for economic reasons, it is to discover how to create residual income for things coming from you .. products, ideas, services ... something that comes from your creativity to provide value to people.

Discovering your creativity will give you great happiness, is a great personal satisfaction and a joy that increases your confidence in yourself.

This is the ultimate goal of having financial freedom: discover your creativity through your freedom.

It is simple: the more income you have the more you will invest and the more freedom you will gain.

It must be something that does not make you work until you drop down exhausted, although at first you have to give it a push and put effort into it.

You are not leaving the rat race to start the horse race and work even more, right?

Create a passive income system to get to a point where you will not need to exchange your time for money anymore. I'm not necessarily talking about starting a business on your own, it is just to work less but smarter.

If I were asked to explain in one sentence how to achieve financial freedom I would say: control your money or the bank will do it for you.
It takes discipline to manage money and acquire new habits and in no time you'll see that you'll get fantastic results!

Money Problems and Transforming the Past

Friday, August 10, 2012
We've never been told how to handle money or what to do with it once you start working and getting your salary.

But the way we handle money is a reflect of our inner successes and shortcomings, a reflect of our inner reality.

A lack of money is the manifestation or an inner lack or scarcity, a person greedy for money manifest personal troubles too.

Money coach

We see many money coaches on tv and the Internet, they all try to teach us new habits and that's alright but not good enough.

You can learn new habits about money but you also need to transform your inner beliefs system and you inner self by opening your mind to new ways of seeing things.

A money coach will give you lots of practical counsel to track and control your finances and the way to reduce unnecessary expenses, for example by telling you to change you mobile contract to a cheaper one because you don't need so many features.

But how to stop and transform all this problems?

All past experiences may have left a mark: the way we've learned things when we where children and our parents example and influence towards prosperity.

If your parents always answered to all your wishes with: "We don't have enough money for this".

A child would think: "My parents have no money at all".

Our bank account is a reflection of our system belief, but we can certainly change things as someone wrote this phrase that I really love:

"He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past." George Orwell.

The only way now is taking responsibility for the present, yes, just think about it! Who else is responsible? Your wife, boss, children...?

Do not say: "I am this way because my parents treated me so and so when I was little", if it is so, go to talk to your parents and explain what they've done to you and why you are this way and what you want as a compensation, and then forget about it and act in a new way.

Just right now: your idea of the past is all the thoughts you've got about it today, if you've got remorse from the past today you are creating a poor future.

You cannot change the past but you can change your idea and perception of the past. Time has formed you and all past experiences make you a wiser person, a very valuable person and you need to see the positive way because it is the only way, really.

If an old experience is too painful you've just got to let it go like a balloon up in the air to be dissolved by the universe to never come back again.

And you can start a new life right now and leave room to good things they are waiting to get to you. Think about all the good things you have right now, I'm sure it is fantastic.

Be happy, enjoy.

Looking For Financial Freedom

Tuesday, August 7, 2012
If you are looking for financial freedom the main key to get it is to switch from your way of thinking about life and money.

With financial freedom you are the owner of your own time and decisions, creating new sources of income besides your usual work that make more and more money until you will not need your current job no more!
But don’t tell your boss about it.

Two years ago I decided to start working for myself in my free time and look for financial freedom.
I've given my talent and efforts working for others for a salary creating web sites, programming features and even helping others for free.
It was the time to start a professional project for myself experiencing the way I can receive money in return for my creations.

I'm still working for others (aug-2012) but my personal projects are on the way and running well!
I get an extra income each month, for now is about 50 euros but this amount is like gold tome it is li a seed:
"If I can make 50 euros each month, then I can make 500".

Inner freedom

Financial freedom means inner freedom too, kind of you've got to be free inside and be willing to attract new things and experience a new way of life to attain it.

If you are happy just being a number and being like everybody else then this way is not for you, stay in the Rat Race as R. Kiyosaky said.

To me life is so beautiful that looking for financial freedom it is worth trying and I want to have an extra income of money for myself to enjoy more time with my loved ones and to dedicate more time to do what I really like: writing.

Financial security

Financial freedom starts with financial security that means earn your living and live debts free. To overcome material "addiction" you may have to learn new habits and a new way of thinking, as you see life otherwise.
Every time you ask for a credit you are giving away some time of your future life.
So if you are looking for financial freedom the first step is financial security.

What do you think?

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